I see you, longing to live this one life well and I am right there beside you.
On this worthy pursuit of ours, there are so many voices trying to direct our course.

Algorithms, emails, advertisements, marketers, politicians, preachers, google searches, and social media feeds
(just to name a few) are all painting a picture of ‘life to the full,’ and offering a route to get there.
And many of the paths they are pointing us towards? They are actually pretty good.

But then there is this: we can do all the things - all the good and right things, even - and still feel soul weary.
We can check all the boxes to the very detriment of our hearts.
With all good intent, we can absentmindedly live our lives like we are riding on a stationary bike;
building up muscle, accumulating miles, pedalling and pumping, huffing and puffing, and going absolutely nowhere.
I don’t know about you, but I want to at least feel a breeze on my face.

What if this ‘life to the full’ that we are longing for can’t be found in doing all the things?
What if the life we are longing to live actually flows out of a deep connection with the God who created us and knows us by name?
He is inviting us to ditch the myriad of other voices to come and sit and listen to His for awhile.
Jesus tells us that this practice of connection with Him is the only thing that is really needed.
And if we actually learned to pursue this one thing with the whole of our hearts and lives?
I think it might just change everything.


I’m Jalene!

When I have a guitar or a pen in my hand the world gets quiet and I can see everything a bit more clearly.

My ‘work’ in the world is to craft words and melodies that invite you into the sacred space where our interactions with this beautiful and disorienting world intersect with the tangible presence of a loving God.


Jalene’s songs and sharing were so full of honesty, hope, and love and pointed clearly to the only One who can fully meet our needs.
— Allen [Event participant]
I am thankful for Jalene speaking so honestly about wilderness seasons. I feel more oriented, hopeful, and purposeful.
— Hannah [Retreat Participant]
Within five minutes of Jalene speaking, she blew me away with her authenticity. I love how open she is. Jalene is gifted with clear speaking and passion of the Scriptures.
— Connie [Retreat Participant]