I’m Jalene, and it is a joy to meet you!
If I had the privilege of sitting across from you today?
I would likely fumble around with small talk before leaning in close to ask about your passions and dreams, hopes and fears, and the way that God has woven His grace throughout the precious story that is your life.
My dad once pulled me aside and told me that I need to learn to talk about the weather. But aint nobody got time for that.
Most of my days are full to the brim with all the beautiful chaos that comes with raising three little people, but I regularly give myself the grace of hiding away with a cup of coffee to weave words or melodies together. Whether on a page or a screen, in a living room with a small circle of friends, or on a platform - my heart spills over when I get to take these words and melodies and share them with others that are on this wild journey of following Jesus too.
Now let’s be clear. I am not an expert.
As Eugene Peterson puts it in The Jesus Way, “There are no experts in the company of Jesus. We are all beginners, necessarily followers, because we don’t know where we are going.”
I am just a beginner in the company of Jesus. Right alongside you. But oh how I long for us both to grow up into the fulness of all God has for us on this side of heaven. And these words and melodies of mine? I hope that they can help ground our feet firm in the Truth of who God is and prompt our hearts back to the feet of Jesus. To get where we are going, we are going to need to start there and keep company with Him and each other along the way.
So. Me, in a nutshell?
For those of you who like personality profiles, I am an ENFP in the Myers-Briggs, and an Enneagram 4.
My educational background is in theology, counselling, and songwriting.
I have recorded two albums; one full length record (Only One Thing is Needed) with my husband, Adam, and a second solo EP (Still).
I have had the privilege of playing music and speaking in a variety of retreat and event settings. Leading others in the pursuit of Jesus through teaching or playing music is one of my greatest joys. Its even sweeter when my husband and I get to do it together.
I work super part time as a psychometrist, am finishing up a BA in theology, and am just beginning the crazy journey of homeschooling my kids.
Adam is my high school sweetheart, best friend, and first love. We said “I do,” 15 years ago in a little chapel in the woods. We were both barely 19 years old and blissfully unaware of all the responsibilities of adulthood. We figured it out together and are all the better for it.
I also have the greatest privilege of being ‘mama’ to my 3 favourite little people; Libby, Hallie, and Jack. After a 6 year journey through the heartache of miscarriage and infertility, Adam and I had our 3 miracle babies back to back. Life is full and beautiful and crazy hard some days. There is never a dull moment.
I have more dreams than there are days on this earth to see them all come to fruition on this side of heaven.
But that’s okay.
I will put one foot faithfully in front of the other, laying down my desire to do all the things and continuing to let God draw me back to living whole heartedly in pursuit of just one.
I would be honoured if you would join me along the Way.